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Attack In The Pacific archive film stock footage library public domain films movies
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Synopsis: This dramatic World War II documentary details the planning and the battles (naval, land, and air) that lead to the defeat of the Japanese Empire... (read more)
Information: 1945 51:53 min BW
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles Attack In The Pacific
Naval Force Attack In The Pacific stock footage Signal Group Attack In The Pacific stock footage Battleships Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Battleships Attack In The Pacific stock footage Selective Service Act Attack In The Pacific stock footage Pearl Harbor Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Pearl Harbor Attack In The Pacific stock footage Pearl Harbor Attack In The Pacific stock footage Presidential Address Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Navy Attack In The Pacific stock footage Attack In The Pacific stock footage Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Clean Up Pearl Harbor Attack In The Pacific stock footage Map Of Japan Attack In The Pacific stock footage Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Submarine Commander Periscope Attack In The Pacific stock footage Bombers Aircraft Carrier Attack In The Pacific stock footage Jimmy Doolittle Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Bombers Attack In The Pacific stock footage Bombadier Attack In The Pacific stock footage Map Of Midway Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Seamen Looking Up At Aircraft Attack In The Pacific stock footage Dive Bomber Attack In The Pacific stock footage Explosion Attack In The Pacific stock footage
American Flag Attack In The Pacific stock footage Artillery Attack In The Pacific stock footage MASH Medical Unit Surgery Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Roosevelt Churchill Attack In The Pacific stock footage Awarding Medals Attack In The Pacific stock footage Dive Bomber Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Naval Force Attack In The Pacific stock footage Naval Landing Attack In The Pacific stock footage Radio Headquarters Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Ship Damage Attack In The Pacific stock footage Wounded Soldier Attack In The Pacific stock footage Sailors At Attention Attack In The Pacific stock footage
Documentary film footage and graphics are used to describe the spread of Japanese military power.
Film footage includes scenes of the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The American people learned the names of tiny islands, such as Wake, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Guadalcanal, Kwajalein, as bloody battles were fought to control these important stepping stones leading to the gates of Japan. Before these battles could even began, two of the greatest naval battles in history, the battle of Midway and the battle of the Coral Sea, were fought to win control of the sea under the command of Admiral William Halsey.

Largely devoted to Naval/Marine achievements, contributions by the American Army and the Army Air Force
are highlighted. On April 18, 1942 Jimmy Doolittle led a daring bombing attack on Tokyo. For the first time in history bombers were launched from an aircraft carrier - the USS Hornet.

Selected scenes include the launching of a WWII ship after construction, troops departing from a landing craft on a Pacific island, jungle combat, large naval guns firing at night, and night battles with glow of tracer bullets being fired from ships at attacking aircraft. Combat ships include battle ships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, and many types of planes. There is also a burial at sea scene.