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Battle Of San Pietro public domain archive film stock footage
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Directed By: JOHN HUSTON
Synopsis: Documents the battle in the Liri Valley, Italy 1943, it is unmatched in evoking the physicality and human price of armed conflict. Initially banned by the Army during the war; In 1945, Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall viewed the film and reversed the ban: "This picture should be seen by every American Soldier in training. It will not discourage but rather will prepare them for the initial shock of combat."... (read more)
Information: 1945 37:47 min BW
Show All WWII European Theater Titles Battle Of San Pietro
The Germans were dug in on the high ground on Mount Sammucro and Mount Lungo and no amount of artillery was able to dislodge them. This task fell to the First Battalion, and the Second Battalion of the 143rd Infantry Regiment, and the Third Ranger Battalion. Shows American soldiers advancing under heavy fire from the Germans and under a constant barrage of enemy artillery fire. Shows American soldiers being place in white body bags. Shows U.S soldiers throwing hand grenades. The First Battalion reinforced by the 504th Parachute Battalion. Company A of the 753rd Tank Battalion was moved into position. Shows tanks and field artillery firing prior to an all out assault. Shows tanks advancing under heavy fire with many being destroyed. Shows the heavy American casualties and wounded. Shows American soldiers firing rifles and throwing hand grenades at the enemy. Shows Americans soldiers entering the town amid the rubble and destroyed buildings. Shows Italian civilians digging graves to bury the dead. Shows American soldiers resting after some of the bitterest fighting in Italy. The civilian towns people came out of hiding to bury their dead. Flash ahead as an Italian farmer plows a field and resume life in a destroyed village in Italy after the battle had moved on.

Key Words: 1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Ranger Battalion, Soldier with hand grenades attached to uniform, soldier attaching bayonet to rifle, infantry combat, WWII infantry combat, Officers shows map and discuss battle plans.