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Capture Of German Submarine U-505 public domain archive film stock footage
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Synopsis: The U.S. Navy makes American military history by capturing the German submarine U-505 on the open ocean, an event that had not happened for the U.S. Navy since the 19th Century... (read more)
Information: 1944 14:19 min COL (SILENT)
Show All WWII European Theater Titles Capture Of German Submarine U-505
The action took place in the Atlantic Ocean about 150 miles off the coast of Rio De Oro, Africa. The American force was commanded by Captain Daniel V. Gallery, USN, and comprised the escort Carrier Guadalcanal (CVE-60) and five escort vessels under Commander Frederick S. Hall, USN: Pillsbury (DE-133) Pope DE-134), Flaherty (DE-135), Chatelain (DE-149), and Jenks (DE-665).

After the capture of the German U-Boat U-505 the sub was towed 1,700 miles to Port Royal Bay, Bermuda by the fleet tug Abnaki. The German submarine U-505 is presently in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry and is the only Type IX-C German U-Boat still in existence. It has been designated a National Historic Landmark.

Scenes Include:
Wounded man on stretcher being taken out of U.S. Navy motor whale boat. Motor whaleboat underway in rough seas. Men climbing up jacob’s ladder. Captured German submarine crew on the USS Guadalcanal, Shots of Nazi U-Boat U-505 with only bow & conning tower sticking out of water. Scene of German sub U-505 being towed. Various scenes of the Navy Wildcat fighter plane.