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Japanese Kamikaze Pilots

Public Domain Stock Footage Japanese Kamikaze Pilots

High Definition Film Transfer: (24-hr. turnaround)
HD ProRes --  $449.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p ProRes 422HQ Quicktime
HD PhotoJPEG --  $449.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p PhotoJPEG Quicktime
Preview ** timecode burn-in: (24-hr. turnaround)
HD Screener --  $35.00
1920 x 1080 23.98p H.264 Quicktime

keywords: WWII, Pacific Theater, Kamikaze Attacks

Synopsis: Japan mounts a final offensive against the U.S. Navy by unleashing fanatical Japanese pilots whose mission is to crash their aircraft into enemy ships with U.S. aircraft carriers as prime targets...(read more)

  • Date: 1940's
  • Duration: 00:08:03
  • Sound: Yes
  • Color: Color
  • Type: Public Domain
  • Language: English
  • Location: Japan, Pacific

Japanese Kamikaze Pilots

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Japanese Kamikaze Pilots

Japan mounts a final offensive against the U.S. Navy as Japanese pilots fly their planes into U.S. aircraft carriers on suicide missions.

Unedited footage, Chofu Japan, inside a Shinto Shrine. Four Japanese pilots reenact Kamikaze ceremony, three dressed in flight suits, one in officer uniform, walk toward camera and bow toward shrine. Four Kamikaze pilots stand in front of small table at Japanese airfield facing their Commander, planes in BG. The Japanese pilots drink a farewell toast of Saki. A different camera angle, Japanese Kamikaze pilots drink a farewell toast of Saki with their Commander, then salute Commander.

Kamikaze attacks concentrate on aircraft carriers of the US fleet. Carrier anti-aircraft guns firing at Kamikaze aircraft, aircrafts being hit, crashing into sea and into carrier, firefighters on deck of burning carrier. Night scenes of Kamikaze attack, flashes of fire as Japanese Kamikaze planes crash into ocean.

Shot List:


Four Kamikaze pilots, three dressed in flight suits, one in Officer uniform, walk toward camera and bow toward shrine


Japanese Kamikaze plane hit by anti-aircraft fire, trails flames and smoke


Kamikaze plane crashes into U.S. aircraft carrier, crew fighting fire


Kamikaze plane crashes into camera ship


Scene of fire damaged flight deck of aircraft carrier


Kamikaze plane in vertical dive, crashes into ocean