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Public Domain Stock Footage Big Picture Operation Blue Jay
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Synopsis: Operation Blue Jay was born in the Cold War year of 1950 when Communist aggression was a threat to America. (read more)
Information: 1950s 27:41 min BW
Show All Cold War Titles Operation Blue Jay
Shows newspaper headlines reading.....Reds Press French In Indo-China....Chinese Reds Advance In Korea....President Proclaims Emergency. To counteract Communist aggression and give America more warning against a Soviet attack, a proposal was made to build a giant air base at Thule Greenland. The presence of an American air base would push America's air defense systems 2000 miles north of the continental United States.

Shows secrete meeting in the office of the Chief of Engineers, Lt. General Lewis A. Pick where the plan was revealed. Present at this meeting was Brigadier General Noland, Peter Kuwin ? Kiewit, S.J. Grove, and Joe Green, all construction experts.

There is great footage of how the Army Corp of Engineers and the American Construction Industries
built this giant airbase in less than four months of a construction season in the Arctic. Shows arrival of General Hoyt Vandenberg and General Lewis Pick to check construction progress. Shows construction and welding of the steel fuel storage tanks, rigging of the pipeline running to the tankers more than a mile away, finishing concrete slabs forming aircraft hangar floor. Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of The Air Force visits the site. Barracks, cafeteria, game room, and church services for the workmen. General Curtis Le May visits Thule. Film closes with address by Major-General Samuel Sturges Jr.

Draftsmen at work in 1950, construction equipment and construction workers, Coast Guard icebreakers, ships entering North Star Bay, Barber Greene Model 879 Asphalt Finisher.