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Public Domain Stock Footage Big Picture Japan Our Far East Partner
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Synopsis: Documents the US Army in Japan as occupation forces after WWII and partners with a thriving modern Japan in the 1950s (2015-788t.txt r1-r2-r3)... (read more)
Information: 1940s - 1950s BW 28:14 min
Show All Pacific Theater Titles Japan - Our Far East Partner
Documents the U.S. Army in Japan as occupation forces after WWII and in partnership with Japan in the 1950's. Japan, once a symbol of destruction is now a thriving, modern, industrial symbol of stability.

Shows American soldiers being welcomed back to Japan by the Japanese people after a tour of duty in Korea with flag waving and a parade. Flashback to 1945 shows U.S. Army troops marching through city streets as an occupation force while the Japanese people huddled silent and frightened near their bombed-out houses. Shows Japan lying in ruins.

Street scenes of modern Japan today after a massive rebuilding program. Shows Communist agitators and crowds during the turbulent years as the Japanese began to embrace democracy and exercise freedom of speech. Bitter demonstrations. Shows Japanese farmers working their land after the redistribution of farm land after WWII.

America furnished economic aid and provide relief after floods. Aerial view of flooded land that isolated complete communities. Scenes of the industrious Japanese people at work after the war. Shows how the Japanese was able to take tin cans discarded by the U.S. Army and revived their toy industry, the Japanese fishing fleet, the modern textile mills, and ship building. Shows Japanese industry turning our all types of military goods, material and equipment for the United Nations for the Korean Conflict War. Scenes of Japanese heavy industry.

Brief scenes of General Douglas MacArthur, Richard Nixon, and the American soldier as ambassadors of goodwill. Shows an international jamboree of the Boy Scouts. Shows football game and swim meet. American forces train to remain combat readiness.