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Public Domain Stock Footage A Refugees Plight
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Synopsis: Documents Nazi Germany's plan to subjugate its European neighbors by withholding necessary food, clothing, and medical supplies. Focuses on the plight of starving children who were located in the bomber-out cities, refugee camps, makeshift hospitals, and other places after World War II, WWII...
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Information: 1946 BW 19:42 min
Show All WWII European Theater Titles Seeds Of Destiny - A Refugee's Plight

Flash of lighting, thunder, storm clouds followed by rain.

Scenes of homeless displaced persons and refugees amid rubble and bombed-out buildings in war-torn Europe in 1946. Various scenes of hungry, poorly clothed, orphaned children wandering the streets of cities and towns in Europe. Various scenes of wounded children, many with missing limbs, bearing the scars of war.

Children scrounging for food in a dump and garbage cans.

Sign reads “There Stood The Village of Lidice”, the Czech village wiped off the face of the earth by the Nazi Germans occupying Czechoslovakia in 1942. Scenes of the remembrance of this tragedy. Images of German SS men that participated in the destruction of Lidice and the killing of all men of that village.

Shows piles of bodies in a German Concentration Camp, cremation ovens, and piles of human bones not destroyed in the gas ovens. Scenes of starving babies and young children.

Scenes of an American neighborhood, homes, markets, and school yard play grounds in 1946. Shows a milkman with a horse-drawn milk cart delivering milk to homes in an American neighborhood. Shows a Blue Star Banner in the window of an American home.

Steamships sound horns as food and other relief items from The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) are loaded on ships.