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Public Domain Stock Footage Normandy Invasion Praticing For Airborne Assault
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Synopsis: Documenting the airborne missions of American and British paratroopers in the invasion of Sicily and parachute jumps in New Guinea. Numerous practice missions utilizing gliders were made in preparation for the coming airborne invasion of Fortress Europe... (read more)
Information: BW 20 min
Show All WWII European Theater Titles Normandy Invasion - Practicing For Airborne Assault

WWII Army Field Order #1, IX Troop Carrier Command scenes, a map of the Atlantic wall of Europe showing the German defenses. giant concrete coastal gun emplacement, large German railroad coastal gun being moved up out of the concrete shelter. Several quick scenes of various coastal gun defenses showing concrete structures, sandbag structures, and shots of a concrete base gun turret revolving. huge steel and concrete tank barriers stretched across land. Chiefs of staff of the United Nations conferring at large table. Marshall and Arnold sit near head of table.

C-47s taking off towing gliders from airfield in Africa for the invasion of Sicily. Troops being transported from British 1st Airborne and the American 82nd Airborne Division. C-47s towing gliders over water. Shows several demolished gliders used in invasion of Sicily. Glider crack-up due to pilot inability to stop prior to crashing into obstacle or crashing into ditches. Development of air brake and better control on gliders for future operation. Parachute jump over New Guinea. Griswald nose, parachute arrester, and intercom between glider and tow plane developments shown. Nose camera shot taken from glider as it descends toward open field. B-25, P-38, and PBY-5A used as glider tow planes. B-17 taking off towing two gliders and C-54 taking off towing 3 gliders.

Scenes showing practice alert of fast loading paratroopers, men and equipment being moved rapidly across field, loading into glider, CG-4A. Good coverage showing activity on the airfield, men and equipment in preparations for fast loading for mission. jeep being backed into front end of loading ramp of glider. loading trailer into glider. loading small cannon and carriage into glider. paratroops running out and boarding glider, interior of glider, men getting into position. C-47s taxiing. two ground crewmen run over and attach towing device to tail section of C-47. attaching towing device to nose section of glider. Several scene from glider cockpit. gliders landing in small open field showing arrestors chute opening. coverage showing paratroopers getting into action immediately after landing.

SHEAF Headquarters, showing Gen. Eisenhower and several other generals, two-star and one-star, conferring about invasion. English ground crewman working on English Horsa glider. C-47s flying in low across area showing two poles and pick-up rope attached between same. C-47 makes aerial pick-up of glider. interior C-47 showing crew members shoving large cargo packs out. cargo pack and chute descending. Pathfinder paratroopers lined up, full saddle equipment. Aerial formation of C-47s towing gliders. gliders landing in open field. area in which gliders have landed showing several gliders demolished and damaged. paratrooper driving jeep which in turn pulls cannon from partly demolished CG-4A type glider. These are all practice missions.