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Public Domain Stock Footage Post WWII Changed Face Of Europe
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Synopsis: World War II leaves Europe in ruins, unrest and chaos of this postwar period, Stalin and the Communist form of government gained control over many struggling countries in Europe. The years of Stalinist expansion began. Following WWII, there was the Marshall Plan, humanitarian gesture which aided the free countries of Europe. The face of Europe was transformed to one of despair among the Communist satellite countries while the free nations enjoyed prosperity... (read more)
Information: Mid-1940s - 1950s BW 28 min
Show All Cold War Titles Post WWII - The Changed Face Of Europe

Scenes in 1945 at River Elbe, forces of the American Allied Army and forces of the Russian Army meet. Shows destruction of Germany and its occupied countries and the plight of the people with limited food and shelter. Scenes from Poland were people struggled to survive after it became a Russian satellite contrasted with scenes of western Europe. Churchill spoke on what must be done to unite Europe.

The U.N. was divided between the Communist East and the anti-communist free nations of the west. Shows Communist march, rally and protest. Images of President Benes of Czechoslovak as communist gained control. Images of Czech Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk body lay in state as mourners file pass. Scenes of Russian military parade and might in 1948. Communist revolt and fighting in Greece between the Democratic Army of Greece and the military branch of the Greek Communist Party.

Secretary of State George Marshall speaks on plans to rebuild Europe. President Truman speaks to Congress on the Marshall Plan that would help Europe quickly rebuild and moderize its economy along American lines. The Soviet Union forbade its satellites to participate in the Marshall Plan for Europe. Scenes of food, grain, and raw materials arriving in Europe.

Scenes from many European countries as the rebuilding Europe gains momentum. Scenes of communist riots, street fighting with police as communist agitators objected to the Marshall Plan. Scenes of East and West Berlin and the Berlin airlift. From this communist threat came the formation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Scenes of military cemeteries in Europe with hundreds of crosses.

NATO military forces arrive in Europe. Shows industrialization of Europe after WWII. NATO Helicopters patrols border between East and West Germany. Scenes of the Common Market at work in Brussels. Scenes of workers continuing to build the Berlin Wall with block and barbwire. East German guards, watch towers, dogs. Image of modern European train inside train cab.