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Public Domain Stock Footage Vietnam Crucible
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: An overview of the American soldier's activities in Vietnam, both military and civilian. The footage focuses on operation innovations such as the UH-1B "people sniffer" helicopters, transmitters attached to free roaming dogs, railroad ambush detectors, choppers called "fire flies" and riverine warfare. Also included are scenes of civic activities, construction projects, and public health... (read more)
Information: 1960s BW COL 28:28 min
Show All Vietnam War Titles Vietnam Crucible
A montage of very short images from WWII, Korea, the Cold War, that depict the past challenges faced by the American soldier. Hitler, German soldiers marching, Nazi swastika at Zeppelin Field blown up, Japanese signing surrender documents, V-J day celebration, artillery firing in Korea, Khrushchev shaking his fist, Fidel Castro, Communist Rally.

Ch-47 Chinook helicopter lands on mountain top clearing. Red smoke grenade with helicopter approaching for landing, tanks, soldier on knees firing automatic rifle (weapon). Soldiers training prior to Vietnam deployment and after arriving in Vietnam. UH-1B helicopters drop soldiers in clearing.

Methods used to locate the enemy in Vietnam are the Chemical Personnel Detector or “people sniffer” instruments in helicopter, transmitter on free roaming dog, railroad ambush detector, and spotlights on helicopters called “fireflies”. Large number of helicopters in flight, transport helicopter in flight, AH-1 Huey Cobra helicopter firing rockets and machine guns, and OH-6 Cayuse obervation helicopter in flight.

Shows boats and barracks ship of Vietnam Riverine Force or “brown water navy”. Shows heavy armored and armed Monitor boat of the U.S. brownwater navy in Vietnam. Shows barge mounted artillery being fired. Marines rushing from landing craft onto a muddy beachhead. Psychological operations, leaflets being dropped from PYSOP helicopter.

Training the Vietnamese Army at Trai Trang-Sup III Corp Training Center. Scenes of U.S. Army dentist and surgical teams furnishing health care. CH-54 Sky Crane helicopter delivering wooden bridge structure. Land clearing operation using tree cutting tractors. Aerial view of a U.S. 1st Logistical Command site in Vietnam. Aerial view of Saigon Newport, a sea port constructed in 1967 near Saigon. Shows cargo containers being unloaded from container ship. Shows handling and shipping of “high priority” cargo called Red Ball Express.

Shows Dustoff medical helicopter landing to pick up wounded, “Dust Off” insignia shown on side of helicopter. Medical helicopter doing aerial extraction of wounded using forest or jungle penetrator.

Color image of American flag waving in breeze.