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Public Domain Stock Footage Army Reports 12
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Synopsis: Missile Battery ARADCOM Air Defense, Central Training Institute VietnamCivilian Training, Combat Photographers Vietnam In The Field, AUSA Convention Washington D.C. Showcase Latest Military Weapons... (read more)
Information: 1960s COL 27 min
Show All Cold War Titles Army Reports - #12

Missile Battery ARADCOM:
Protecting America in the Cold War years. This film documents the operational activities at a cold war Nike Hercules Missile site in the 1960's manned by the U.S. Army Air Defense Command or ARADCOM. The mission of ARADCOM was the defense of key U.S. cities and industrial centers from Russian surprise air attacks during the Cold War. Shows the battery control area and launch area of a missile battery site. Shows a practice alert from sound of air raid siren to destruction of an enemy aircraft. Missile is brought above ground, moved onto launching ramp, and made ready to fire. Missiles are elevated on launchers to firing position. After radar locks onto aircraft target, the missile is launched, intercepts, and destroys the aircraft.

Central Training Institute-Vietnam:
A central training institute has been established by the U.S. Army in Vietnam to provide civilian support for military activities. The institute offers courses in vehicle operation of Army trucks, construction equipment, and forklifts. Courses in English and clerical skills are offered.

Combat Photographers-Vietnam:
Activities of the U.S. Army in Vietnam are recorded by Combat Photographers. A search mission to hunt for Viet Cong suspects by the 25th Infantry Div. is recorded. A helicopter picks up a combat team, door gunner provides suppression fire from M-60 machine gun. Armored Personnel Carriers open fire on VC snipers hiding in tree line.

AUSA Convention-Washington DC:
13th annual meeting of the Association of United States Army (AUSA). Shows display of latest Army weapons, main battle tank 70, the Chaparral air defense system, the Cobra gunship. Henry Cabot Lodge is presented with award. General Harold K. Johnson, Army Chief of Staff, gives major address at AUSA Convention.