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Public Domain Stock Footage Seabees Of World War II
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Synopsis: WWII historical film describes the formation and activities of the U.S. Navy Construction Battalions known as the Seabees. Rear Admiral Ben Moreel gives a brief prologue and epilogue... (read more)
Information: 1940s BW 44 min
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles Seabees Of World War II

Before attacking Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked Hickam Field and Wheeler Field on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. Shows destruction of Army Air Corp planes, military facilities, and wounded civilians and military personnel.

Shows craftsmen from all trades responding to the call to join the Seebees with a motto of “We Build, We Fight”. Shows Seabee military training. Shows construction of a naval repair base and facility at Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands. Images of a destroyer in rough seas. Seabees land on Attu, and with rifles on their backs, began construction of temporary barracks. Marines and Seebees on Guadalcanal and repair of Henderson Field under attack from the Japanese. American fighter plane lands at Henderson Field. Shows Seabees laying Marsden Matting as a runway or landing strip. Shows Japanese planes attacking American ships off Guadalcanal and emergency repairs to aircraft carrier by the Seabees.

Shows Army, Marines, and Seabees landing on Rendova, jungle fighting, bodies of dead Japanese. 155 mm guns unloaded from LST and put into action. American pilot lands a damaged Corsair fighter on a newly constructed airstrip and gives a “thumb-up” to the Seabees on Munda in the Solomon Islands. Shows heavy rainfall in the Solomon Islands and the fight against malaria, spraying and water purification.

Series of WWII newspaper headlines, “Italy Is Out Of The War”, “Germans Hurled Back On Italian Front”, “17 More Italian Towns Taken”, “Nazis Fleeing Naples To New Line At Rome”, Fifth Army Takes 3 More Towns In Italy”. Shows base and dock construction in Scotland and Oran, Scenes of Sicily invasion and landing at Salerno. LST is bombed and explodes, tanks unload from another LST using pre-constructed causeways followed by infantry. Battle scenes and Salerno beachhead.