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Synopsis: Historic footage of the first 25 years of NASA- the successes and the failures. Interviews provide valuable insight into the motivations behind our space race with the soviets... (read more)
Information: 56:54 min COL
Show All NASA Early History Titles Early Space Race
Scenes Include:

The launch of Russian satellite Sputnik on October 4,1957; the first dog (Soviet) in space; NACA Space Research, Explorer-6; and still photographs of various Space projects. Tiros 1 experimental weather satellite, Microgravity simulators, Echo 1 passive communications satellite, and the first U.S. manned spaceflight Mercury. The seven Mercury astronauts are: Captain Donald Slayton, Lt. Commander Alan Shepard, Lt. Commander Walter Schirra, Captain Virgil Grissom, Lt. Col. John Glenn Jr., Captain Leroy Cooper Jr, and Lt. Malcolm Scott Carpenter.

Also included are an ongoing interview (throughout the title) with NASA’s first Administrator Keith Glennan, the first flight in 1961 with Enos, a chimpanzee, President Kennedy’s speech in Washington about the Space Program, Project Gemini - the 2-manned space flights, and the recovery of Virgil Grissom from splash down.