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Detroit Riots 1967 public domain films royalty free stock footage archive stock footage
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Synopsis: The aftermath of the Detroit Riot in 1967 when police vice squad officers executed a raid on an after-hours drinking club or "blind pig" in a predominantly black neighborhood located at Twelfth Street and Clairmount Avenue. They found over 80 people inside holding a party for two returning Vietnam veterans and attempted to arrest everyone on the scene. (read more...)
Information: 1967 38:51 min COL (SILENT)
Show All Social Unrest And Protest Titles Detroit Riots, 1967

While the police awaited a "clean-up crew" to transport the ones arrested, a crowd gathered around the establishment in protest. After the last police car left, a small group of men who were angry and upset because the drinking club was closed lifted up the bars of an adjacent clothing store and broke the windows.

From this point on further vandalism escalated. Looting and fires spread through the Northwest side of Detroit, then crossed over to the East Side. Within 48 hours, the National Guard was mobilized, followed by the 82nd airborne on the riot’s fourth day. As police and military troops sought to regain control of the city, violence escalated. At the conclusion of 5 days of rioting, 43 people lay dead, 1189 injured and over 7000 people had been arrested.

Scenes: Burned buildings, broken windows, burned automobiles, cars, destroyed telephone booth, burned house, and other riot caused damage. Soldiers in army vehicles and on foot guarding intersections and patrolling streets. Police search a vehicle. Army Colonel and staff in briefing room. Police outside of County jail. Prisoners taken from jail and loaded on buses.