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Public Domain Stock Footage Woodrow Wilson 1917 - 1921
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Synopsis: President Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of The United States from the start of World War I until his death in 1921... (read more)
Information: 1917 - 1921 29:11 min BW
Show All Early U.S. Presidents Titles President Woodrow Wilson: 1917 - 1921
Scenes Include:

President Woodrow Wilson watches sheep graze on the White House lawn from his office in the White House. Working in White House office.

Proclaims a declaration of war on April 6, 1917 and shown speaking to a crowd. Former President William Howard Taft is present.

President and Mrs. Wilson and Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson inspect an airmail plane as aerial mail service is launched by the Post Office between Washington and New York.

President Woodrow Wilson and Vice President Thomas R. Marshall attend an American Federation of Labor (AFL) conference in Buffalo, N.Y. (1917), Samuel Gompers and Frank Morrison President and Secretary of the AFL. Shows the Labor Day parade in Buffalo.

President Wilson receives members of the French Foreign Legion at the White House; reviews Army units at Fort Myer, Va., with Secretary of War Newton D. Baker; inspects a Handley Page airplane at Bolling Field with Gen. March and Mrs. Wilson; receives Italian Alpine troops at the White House; and leads the Army Day parade of 1918.

Senator Carter Glass greets Wilson, at his Washington D.C. home on Armistice Day, 1920.

President Wilson's body is carried from his S Street home to the burial grounds of the Washington Cathedral in Washington, D.C.