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Public Domain Stock Footage A Look At Presidential Nominations 1952
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Synopsis: How we nominate a U.S. President with the 1952 Republican and Democrat campaigns as examples of the political process... (read more)
Information: 1952 30:27 min BW
Show All President Dwight D. Eisenhower Titles A Look At Presidential Nominations
Great educational film on American politics and our system of selecting Presidential candidates. Follow the presidential nominating process from the precinct level in Easton, PA to the National Conventions in Chicago, IL

The Republican Convention features: Robert Taft, Earl Warren, Harold Stassen, Douglas MacArthur, Everett M. Dirksen, Thomas Dewey, Joe Martin, Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, Richard and Pat Nixon, and shows Theodore McKeldin (but no voice) nominating Eisenhower.

The Democratic Convention features: Richard B. Russell, Estes Kefauver, Alben W. Barkley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Adlai E. Stevenson, Paul A. Dever, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sam Rayburn, Harry S. Truman, and John J. Sparkman.

Scenes Include: Whitehouse and Oval Office, scenes of a medium size industrial city in Pennsylvania in the 1950’s, family at dining table, 1952 neighborhood-people, fashions, dress, kids, cars, classroom, teacher, family watching television (TV), front cover of 1952 issue Life Magazine, election polling booth and workers, counting ballots using early adding machine, 1952 Republican and Democratic Presidential Conventions.