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Public Domain Stock Footage USA Documentary Magazine 1940s
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Synopsis: John Garand The Man Behind The M-1 Garand Rifle, The Scientific Farm, Bert James Inventor... (read more)
Information: 1940s 22 min BW
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles USA Documentary Magazine - 1940s

John Garand The Man Behind The M-1 Garand Rifle
John Cantius Garand became a Springfield Armory employee in 1919 and was tasked with designing a semi-automatic rifle for the Army. He worked on and improved the design for the next 17-years. The now familiar M1 Garand was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1936 and saw action in World War II (WWII).

Scenes Include: early childhood of John Garand, Winchester Square Checker Club, checker game, playing checkers, kitchen and dining American family 1930’s, punching factory time clock (timeclock).

The Scientific Farm
The Seabrook Farm Bridgeton, New Jersey contributed to the war effort by furnishing food in vast quantities to the Government. Farm tractors, cultivators, farm workers, farm machinery, and crop dusting planes and pilots. Excellent crop dusters in action.

Bert James Inventor
Bert James receives a signed certificate at the White House for his invention that increased the production of machine cutting tools in 1942. Taxi cabs at Washington DC train station. Bert explains and demonstrates his invention.