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Public Domain Stock Footage President Jimmy Carter Camp David Accords Framework For Peace
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Synopsis: Following 12 days of secret negotiations the Camp David Accords are reached between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin... (read more)
Information: 1978 51:28 min COL
Show All President Jimmy Carter Titles Camp David Accords - Framework For Peace
The terms of the Camp David Accords (Middle East Peace Proposals or Camp David Peace Agreement) were reached by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David. Note: Camp David scenes are still photographs.

In early 1977 President Sadat visited Israel. Scenes of Sadat’s historic visit to the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset. Brief scene of Sadat at the Knesset podium, but his speech to the Knesset is not in this title.

Scenes of President Carter visiting Prime Minister Begin and President Sadat in late 1977. Helicopter arrival of Sadat and Begin September 5, 1978 at Camp David.

Upon conclusion of the summit on Sunday September 17 President Carter, President Sadat, and Prime Minster Begin made statements at the White House. However, no signing of agreement is shown in this title. Excellent scene of Sadat and Begin embracing and shaking hands.

This title contains President Carter’s entire address to a joint session of Congress on Monday September 18, 1978.

NOTE: A short segment from another source has been added to this title. This segment is of marginal quality, but is a record of events that are of historical significance. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt speaking before the Knesset (not complete speech), President Carter speaking, the signing of the Camp David Peace Accords, President Sadat, President Carter, and Prime Minister Begin shaking/clasping hands after the signing of the Camp David Peace Agreement between Egypt and Israel.