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Public Domain Stock Footage On The Border United States And Mexico
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Synopsis: Scenes on the border between the United States and Mexico from deployment of 6,000 National Guard Troops to INS enforcement... (read more)
Information: 2006 27:23 min COL
Show All Military News Reports Titles On The Border - United States And Mexico
Since June 2006 Operation Jump Start has deployed 6,000 National Guard Troops along the United States-Mexico border to assist the Border Patrol in stemming the flow of undocumented-illegal aliens into the United States.

Shows the Nation Guard Troops in permanent and portable control stations and towers monitoring cameras and motion sensors-detectors spread along the border. With the use of these electronic devices and helicopters the troops detect and track illegal aliens entering the U.S. Shows Engineers from the National Guard constructing-building an anti-vehicle barrier-fence along the border. Night scene of Border Agents apprehending-detaining undocumented aliens after being alerted and guided by National Guard Troops using night vision devices.

President Bush addressing Border Patrol Agents and National Guard Troops in McAllen, Texas August 3, 2006. Shows Paul McHale, Homeland Defense, speaking.

Historical footage documents the Pancho Villa raid on the border town of Columbus, New Mexico in 1916.

Aerial view of the U.S.-Mexican border showing barrier fence between the United States and Mexico. Helicopter crew directs-guides Border Patrol agents to group of persons that has entered the United States illegally. Shows Port of Entry into the United States. Train is searched and an illegal is found hiding under railroad car. Shows illegal identification documents and social security cards seized by the Border Patrol.

Keywords: Homeland Security, border security, illegal alien smugglers, illegal immigration, drug smugglers, illegal entry,