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Public Domain Stock Footage World Trouble Spots
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Synopsis: The late 1950's and early 1960's were the Years of Menace as our Nation was called on to face the challenge of Communist aggression in many areas of the world. Brief overview of the Years of Menace. Footage at U.S. Army Checkpoint Charlie between east and west Berlin, refugees fleeing to West Berlin, footage of the aftermath of destruction of the Chinese shelling of the island of Quemoy, hoards of refugees fleeing to India from Tibet, short scenes from the guerrilla warfare in Southeast Asia, refugees from Cuba, newspaper headline Red Chinese Invade India... (read more)
Information: Late 1950s early 1960s BW 28 min
Show All Cold War Titles World Trouble Spots - The Communist Menace

Missile arsenal of U.S. Military in the early 1960's, President John Kennedy remarks on the threat in Laos, American Special Force Advisors in Vietnam, footage of executions carried out in Fidel Castro Cuba, Russian technicians arriving in Cuba as Cuba became an international base for Communism, start of construction of the Berlin Wall, confrontation between American and East German troops in Berlin, more footage of Vietnam and Laos, Russian Military Parade in Moscow, Kruschev on viewing stand, Kruschev and Castro together smiling and waving, footage of the Cuban missile crisis and remarks by President John F. Kennedy, shows build-up of U.S. military, aerial view of Russian ships headed to Cuba