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Public Domain Stock Footage Childbirth In Chicago
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Synopsis: This film is a dramatization of a young doctor's training in obstetrics at the Maternity Center in Chicago in the 1940's... (read more)
Information: 1940s BW 70 min
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles The Fight For Life - Childbirth In Chicago

Shows delivery of baby in a hospital, doctors and nurses in white medical gowns, images of baby, medical emergency as mother dies from heart condition. Shows Dr. O'Donnell working and learning at the Center.

Lecture to a class of doctors at the Center on procedures for delivering babies at homes. O'Donnell assists in the preparation for and the delivery of a baby in a Chicago slum area home. Many scenes of Chicago slum area housing, apartments, and slum neighborhoods. Shows examples of poor living conditions.

Images of people scrounging for food at produce truck docks, street person depicting poverty and slums. 1940's telephone operator and switchboard. Hospital laboratory. Shows the hospital examination of woman who has had no prenatal care. Shows O'Donnell instructing an intern at a delivery, after which the mother has a hemorrhage. The mother receives a transfusion and lives.