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Public Domain Stock Footage West Berlin City Scenes
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Synopsis: City scenes of West Berlin Germany in 1961. Shows Christmas shoppers walking on street in late evening past department stores decorated for Christmas, people looking at window displays Woolworth department store. Schmolke department store decorated with many lights and with Christmas tree on building roof. Trolley car moving toward camera on Kurfuhrstendamn with memorial church in background late evening... (read more)
Information: 1961 BW 10 min
Show All International Titles West Berlin - City Scenes

Berlin policeman directing traffic. Shows front of KaDeWe department store and brightly lighted Leiser Department Store. Scenes of people on the street, automobiles, double-deck bus, and storefront displays. Autobahn with radio tower called Funkturm or long Lulatsch by Berliners in background. Shows entrance to Grundig Department store, many women shoppers.

Scenes of checkpoints from West Berlin to East Berlin. Sign reads “You Are Now Leaving British Sector” of West Berlin. Sign reads “You Are Leaving The American Sector”. Shows an American Serviceman with family at the Friedrich Strasse American checkpoint with American MP. Young boy using binoculars to view the East German sector of Berlin.

Shows Brandenburg Gate, two British Soldiers with barbwire fence and Russian memorial in background. VOPO or People's Police, or Volkspolizei Guards at old Checkpoint Charlie, guard walks over to stopped car. Shows barbwire fence with Russian memorial in background. Building with boarded up windows, floral piece marks place on Bernauer Strasse where East Berliner jumped from window and met death, house with bricked up windows, building with barbwire fence around edge of roof.

Two West Berlin Policemen on observation platform with Brandenburg Gate in background. U.S. Army checkpoint. Aerial view of Brandenburg Gate, apartment housing project, and wall separating East and West Berlin in 1961.