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Public Domain Stock Footage Paraguay
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Synopsis: Historical documentary on the people, culture, industry and agriculture of the Latin American country of Paraguay... (read more)
Information: 1945 BW 16 min
Show All International Titles Paraguay

Scenes of the Iguassu Falls and Makah Indian dances. Shows the ruins of missions built by Jesuit Priests. Scenes of the town of Etawah and the people making lace, harvesting and roasting Mate tea leaves. Street scenes of buildings, people, vehicles, street car, interior of shops, and dock in Asuncion. Paraguay building architecture and statues in the capital city of Asuncion. Shows Cadets of Paraguay's small defensive Army.

Interior of a cotton spinning mill. Scenes of a family on a small farm. Shallow draft cargo river boat moves up-river, scenes of the Gran Chaco Plain of South America. Shows a Mennonite colony or community on the Chaco Plain. Scenes of cattle being herded, meat packing plant, Paraguay cattle industry. Quebracho tree being cut down and stripped of bark, a source of Quebracho Extract used in the hide tanning industry. Shows cart and oxen transporting the heavy logs to be loaded on small gauge railroad train cars. Making of huge wheels used by ox carts in the lumber industry. Shows children at a nursery school and other students. Shows doctors working in health clinic. Small aircraft or planes taking off at airport.