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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1964 March 16
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Synopsis: Jury Reaches Decision In The Jack Ruby Murder Trial, King Paul I Of Greece Is Laid To Rest, New President For Venezuela, Golden Globes Award For Actress Tippi Hedren, Ice Breaker Brings An Early Spring To Ice-Trapped Freighters... (read more)
Information: 1964 7 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1964 - March 16

United States
Jury Reaches Decision In The Jack Ruby Murder Trial
The moment of truth for Jack Ruby. After 2 hours and 19 minutes of deliberation, the 8 men and 4 women of the jury reached a decision and brought in a verdict of 'murder with malice' in the murder of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Attorneys for Jack Ruby intend to appeal which will take at least two years.

King Paul I Of Greece Is Laid To Rest
His subjects gather to mourn their King. Slowly through the streets of Athens, Greece moves the funeral procession of King Paul I, Monarch of Greece since 1947. Six reigning Monarchs and 100 Presidents and Premiers are present to pay their respects.

New President For Venezuela
In Caracas, retiring Venezuelan President Romulo Betancort turns the reins of office over to Raul Leoni. This is the first time in 150 years that an elected President has been able to succeed an incumbent in the country of Venezuela.

United States
Golden Globes Award For Actress Tippi Hedren
The Hollywood Foreign Correspondents award Tippi Hedren a Golden Globe for her work in Alfred Hitchcock’s 'The Birds'. They wish her luck with her new role in Hitchcock’s 'Marnie'.

Ice Breaker Brings An Early Spring To Ice-Trapped Freighters
The ice-breaker 'John A. MacDonald' throws its weight around to rescue winter bound freighters in the St. Lawrence River and Gulf. If you look real close, you can see a tiny figure scurrying across the floes, now that’s the spirit of Spring.