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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1960 February 4
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: Frontier Clash Between Israel And Syria, Right Wing Insurgents Surrender Ending Algeria Revolt
Mine Disaster In Japan, Pope John XXIII Blesses Candles In Annual Ceremony, Motion Picture Code Explained To Congress, New Jet Boat Breaks All The Rules... (read more)
Information: 1960 9 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1960 - February 4

Middle East
Frontier Clash Between Israel And Syria
On the uneasy frontier between Israel and Syria, the largest military clash since the Sinai Invasion ocurred as a series of border incidents is touched off by Israeli retaliation for shelling from a UAR artillery battery in a supposedly demilitarized zone.

Right Wing Insurgents Surrender Ending Algeria Revolt
Scenes of the actual surrender of Algeria's right-wing insurgents who come out of their barricades led by Pierre Lagaillarde, a 28 year old ex-paratrooper. Many join the Foreign Legion. Meanwhile, the city falls to the task of clearing away mountains of cobblestones and barbed wire entanglements.

Mine Disaster In Japan
At the Hokkaido Colliery in Japan, scene of an underground gas explosion that killed 30 miners outright, rescue teams bring up 20 survivors from the wrecked shaft. 10 more remain trapped below, behind a mass of rock.

Vatican City
Pope John XXIII Blesses Candles In Annual Ceremony
In the Vatican, Pope John XXIII presides over traditional ceremonies marking the Feast Of The Purification Of Mary. He receives offerings of huge, richly decorated candles from churches and religious institutions all over the World.

United States
Motion Picture Code Explained To Congress
At a hearing of a House Sub-Commitee in Washington, D.C., Eric Johnston explains the principles and operation of the Motion Picture Production Code.

United States
New Jet Boat Breaks All The Rules
At Cypress Gardens, demonstration of a new 'Aqua-Jet', an inboard speedster that has no propeller or rudder but has plenty of streaking speed and incredible maneuverability. With only 3 inches draft and with no prop to snag, it skims through dense swamp grass and even glides across a spit of dry land!

Lindbergh Kidnapping

In Flemington, New Jersey's venerable courthouse, the sensational trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the 'Crime Of The Century' the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby.

Moments of high gripping drama as the bereaved parents confront Hauptmann from the witness stand as the prosecution draws its web of fatal evidence inexorably tighter and finally the raking cross-examination of Hauptmann by Attorney General Wilentz. The Lindbergh kidnapping is a story that chilled the Nation.