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College Football: Michigan State vs. Notre Dame

Public Domain Stock Footage College Football Michigan State vs Notre Dame

Standard Definition: (24-hr. turnaround)
SD NTSC --  $150.00
720 x 480 29.97i DV-NTSC Quicktime
SD PAL --  $150.00
720 x 576 25i DV-PAL Quicktime

keywords: sports, college football, michigan state spartans, notre dame fighting irish

Synopsis: The game hailed as close-fought thriller winds up a one-sided contest featuring the power and skill of Michigan State Spartans. Notre Dame is completely outclassed in lopsided game won by Spartans, 35-0, making them the Nation’s No. 1 team...(read more)

  • Date: 1951
  • Duration: 00:00:56
  • Sound: Yes
  • Color: Monochrome
  • Type: Public Domain
  • Language: English
  • Location: United States

College Football: Michigan State vs. Notre Dame

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College Football Michigan State vs Notre Dame

The game hailed as close-fought thriller winds up a one-sided contest featuring power and skill of Michigan State Spartans. Notre Dame is completely outclassed in lopsided game won by Spartans, 35-0, making them the nation’s No. 1 team.