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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1961 July 27
High Definition Film Transfer: (72-hr. turnaround)
1920 x 1080 23.98p MAC or PC - Quicktime
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Synopsis: If War Begins It Will Begin In Moscow Not Berlin Says Kennedy, Uneasy Truce In Tunisia, Hindu Religious Rite... (read more)
Information: 1961 7 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1961 - July 27

United States
If War Begins It Will Begin In Moscow Not Berlin Says Kennedy
'President Kennedy's address to the Nation is hailed throughout the Free World as he lays it on the line to the Soviets. Ordering a 3.5 Billion boost in the Defense Budget he also calls for an increase in the draft and stepped up Civilian Defense efforst. He says '... And if war begins, it will have begun in Moscow not Berlin.'

Uneasy Truce In Tunisia
There's an air of simmering tension around the French naval base at Bizerte as their troops and those of Tunisia observe a cease-fire while they attempt to resolve their differences. More than five hundred are believed dead in the few days of fighting as the Tunisians attempted to blockade the base.

Hindu Religious Rite
More than a half a million Hindus in a massive display of Faith, make a pilgrimage to Puri South of Calcutta for the Jagannath Car Festival. They believe a visit to Puri during the fete will assure an eternity of bliss.


The first hurricane of the season is Florida's most devastating.

President Roosevelt makes the first visit of State to Canada by an American President.

King Edward the Eighth dedicates a War Memorial. Later he abdicated.

A polo field in Seattle is dedicated to the memory of Will Rogers.

More than 2,000 orphans whoop it up at the beach as guests of Jack Dempsey.

Famous aviator Amelia Earhart undertakes an air research program.

An inventor comes up with an automobile anti-skid device but he skidded right into oblivion.