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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1956 February 23
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Synopsis: First Demonstration Of Guided Missiles In Britain, Republic Aviation Strike Clashes With Police, Women Vote For First Time In Greek Elections, Town In Yugoslavia Wrecked By Massive Landslide, Signal Corps Demonstrates New Light Weight TV Camera, Swimsuit Fashions American Style In Italy, Golden Gloves Boxing In New York City... (read more)
Information: 1956 7 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1950s Titles Newsreels: 1956 - February 23

First Demonstration Of Guided Missiles In Britain
For the first time, Great Britain launches guided missiles from her defense arsenal. Two models are shown, rocketing aloft at a 1,000 mph to seek out and destroy target aircraft. One missile explodes next to target aircraft.

United States
Republic Aviation Strike Clashes With Police
Violence flares again in the Republic Aviation strike as mass picketers bar the entry of non-striking workers and clash with police. Union strike. Violence on the picket line.

Women Vote For First Time In Greek Elections
Record numbers of voters, women among them for the first time, turn out for national elections in which a Red-tinged coalition makes inroads into the pro-Western majority.

Town In Yugoslavia Wrecked By Massive Landslide
Obravo Yugoslavia is wrecked by massive landslide as bitter cold grips the region.

United States
Signal Corps Demonstrates New Light Weight TV Camera
The Signal Corps demonstrates a new light-weight television camera designed for battlefield use. Weighing only 55 pounds, the “creepy-peepy” flashes a picture more than a mile.

Swimsuit Fashions American Style In Italy
Italy gets an eyeful of American bathing suit fashions, a switch on the style scene. A preview of summer, highlighted by a parade of historic bathing suit styles, to warm them up, despite Europe’s record freeze.

United States
Golden Gloves Boxing In New York City
Kid clouters have their night in the squared circle. Action-packed bouts draws cheers from a packed house, as the Glovers’ slug away, with an eye on the finals and perhaps the crown. Energy and enthusiasm makes up for skill, for a thrill-filled ring event as Frank Angelo and Earl Thomas slug it out. Heavy weights Al Hudson and Jay Goggins fight. Another bout between Ed Stroub and Clem Stearles.