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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1956 February 2
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Synopsis: Ike and Eden Issue Policy Statement, Finland Regains Naval Base, Achievement Awards, March of Dimes Fashions, Viareggio Carnival, Nigeria Acclaims Queen, Winter Olympics... (read more)
Information: 1956 7 min BW (SILENT)
Show All Newsreels 1950s Titles Newsreels: 1956 - February 2

United States
Ike and Eden Issue Policy Statement
Britain’s Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and President Eisenhower issue a joint warning to Asian and African nations on the perils of accepting Soviet economic aid, and pledge Anglo-American efforts to keep mid-East peace, at the conclusion of 3 days’ talks on word problems.

Finland Regains Naval Base
Russia relinquishes the Porkkala Naval Base, occupied by the Reds as the price for peace after the war. The base, on Finnish soil, is left looted and sabotaged, but all Scandinavia breathes easier as the Red guns go.

United States
Achievement Awards
In New York, the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies presents its 3rd annual Achievement Awards. Among those honored, Paul Muni, exhibitor Samuel Rinzler, and Steve Allen, star of The Benny Goodman Story.

United States
March of Dimes Fashions
In New York, fashions are on the march in the battle against polio. A host of celebrities take part in a brilliant style show for the benefit of the March of Dimes.

Viareggio Carnival
Fun and fantasy on a fantastic scale mark the 1956 Viareggio carnival parade, one of the world’s most famous pre-Lenten fiestas. The giant figures, artistically crafted into animated mythical monsters, are supreme achievements, even for Viareggio.

Nigeria Acclaims Queen
Nigeria greets Queen Elizabeth, making the first visit of a reigning sovereign to the hundred-year old African colony, with wild acclaim. Loyal notables, decked out in their proudest regalia, welcome the visiting monarch with impressive pomp and ceremony, as great crowds cheer.

Winter Olympics
Highlights of the Winter Olympics – Speed Skating, bobsledding, and the Giant Slalom, with international competitors keyed to their highest, giving championship performances. A thrilling sports spectacle.