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keywords: Cold War, Middle East Crisis, Lebanon, U.S. Marines Operation Blue Bat

Synopsis: Crisis in the Middle East as rival factions supported by the United States and the Soviet Union attempt to gain control of the Government and change the political direction of Lebanon...(read more)

  • Date: 1958
  • Duration: 00:02:46
  • Sound: Yes
  • Color: Monochrome
  • Type: Public Domain
  • Language: English
  • Location: Lebanon

Middle East Crisis - Lebanon

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Middle East Crisis - Lebanon

In July 1958, Lebanon was threatened by civil war when Lebanese Muslims pushed the government to join the newly created United Arab Republic (UAR) of Egypt and Syria, while the Christians wanted to keep Lebanon aligned with Western powers. Russia’s first reaction to the landing of U.S. Marines, Operation Blue Bat, in Lebanon is an angry demonstration by an estimated 100,000 at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Later, Khrushchev calls for an immediate 5-power summit meeting. America builds up forces in Lebanon. Shows American ships off coast of Lebanon. American Marines and tanks on the beach in Lebanon.


Shows build up of British forces in Jordan during the 1958 Middle East crisis.


Shows cheering crowds in Syria greeting President Nasser of Egypt on his way back to Egypt from Moscow during the 1958 Middle East crisis.. Egypt and Syria had united to form the United Arab Republic (UAR).