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Public Domain Stock Footage The Moslem World Christianity Faces Islam
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Synopsis:Christianity in the predominate lands of Islam with scenes documenting day-to-day events happening in both religions... (read more)
Information: 1936 BW 09:38 min (SILENT)
Show All Religious Programming Titles The Moslem World - Christianity Faces Islam
Pilgrimages to Mecca or to Tombs of Saints bring together Moslems (Muslims) from many lands. Muslims making annual Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca. Scenes of Muslims kneeling in prayer. "Infidels" (non-Moslem) are not allowed to spend the noght in certain Muslim holy cities. Brief scenes of the Crusades (religious conflicts). Shows a Crusader castle under attack by Moslems. Ruins of Crusader castles are a constant reminder of Moslem blood shed by Christian holy Wars

Patriarch of Jerusalem on a Christmas visit to Bethlehem is protected by Moslem police.

Mohammed called Jesus's teachings of love impractical. For proof Muslims point to the conduct of Christian countries, brief scenes of soldiers on WWI battlefield. Race prejudice, common in Christian nations is rare in Islam. Semitic Moslems receive Chinese as brothers.

Chinese muslims in a camel caravan, Polynesians in East India, Nigerian Muslims, Indian Muslims, and Black Muslims.

Hindered in preaching the Gospel, Christian missionaries could still practice it. Christian missionaries at an outdoor clinic. Medical missionaries soon proved that science could change "fate" of the diseased. Women doctors and nurses challenged the Moslem idea of the inferiority of women. Scene of women doctors and nurses. Shows mission schools teaching trade crafts and agricultural practices. Shows farmers using oxen to plow a field.

A girl's school in modern Turkey finds a great demand for courses in home-making western style. American colleges in Near East have been profound influences for progress. Women being trained for business and science. Students are also trained to serve their fellow men.

Sign reads "Out-Patient Clinics of the American University of Beruit." Shows Christian religious services in a Muslim world.