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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Synopsis: The legendary masked swordsman creates a fighting legion to help him fight militant natives known as Yaquis who are attacking Spanish soldiers. The Yanquis are being led by their mysteriously resurrected God, but is it really or part of a deeper conspiracy?

It's up to Zorro to weave his way through the various plots, traps and deceptions to find the truth. In this episode, Zorro rescues his entire legion from certain doom via dynamite and trails the opposition back to their lair, a secret room at the main gold mine in Mexico. The opposition decides to blow up the mine and it is up to Zorro to save it from certain destruction.
Information: 1939 17 min BW (12 Other Chapters Available)
Show All Serial Titles Zorro's Fighting Legion - Descending Doom, chap. 3