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Synopsis: Direct film HD transfer color footage of the landmarks of Washington DC, the Capitol of The United States of America... (read more plus shot list)
Information: 1964 13:09 min COL
Show All Destinations Titles Washington D.C. - City Of The World
Image of the Statue of Freedom on the dome of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington DC.
LS of the Washington Monument viewed the length of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. View of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. View of the statue of Thomas Jefferson. Image of the Declaration of Independence. Shows the National Archives building where the original Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights are on open display. Show people viewing these historic documents.

Scenes of the Lincoln Memorial. Low aerial view of the White House. Automobile driver point of view (pov) driving down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol Building. Scenes of the interior of the Capitol Building. Using the Senate subway from the Capitol Building to the Senate Building. Shows a Senator's office. Congressional Staff members at work. Department of Justice building. Shows photos and information on “Notorious Criminals Captured By The FBI”. Scenes of FBI crime lab. National Gallery of Arts housing paintings by the great masters. Library of Congress that has on display a copy of the Gutenberg bible. The Folger Library, home to the world's largest Shakespeare collection.

The U.S. Mint, Bureau of Engraving & Printing. U.S. Naval Observatory. Smithsonian Institution. The Islamic Center, the only Mosque in the United States built to Islamic customs facing Mecca. Washington Cathedral, Franciscan Monastery. Foreign Embassies. Shows buildings that house the British Embassy and the entrance to the USSR (Russian) Embassy in Washington. Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Low aerial view of Washington DC with focus on the White House, cut to Thomas Jefferson memorial, cut to the Lincoln Memorial. Ends with view of the Capitol Building.

Shot List: HD Color Footage Washington DC 1960's. Start video at time code shown.

01:00:38:06. Image of the Statue of Freedom on the dome of the U.S. Capitol building.

01:01:12:11. LS Washington Monument viewed length of Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.

01:01:39:10. View of Thomas Jefferson Memorial and tidal basin.

01:02:46:00. people viewing Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Bill of Rights.

01:03:02:03. Aerial view Lincoln Memorial.

01:04:07:02. Aerial view of White House.

01:04:46:03. Automobile driver point of view (pov) driving down Pennsylvania Avenue to
Capitol Building.

01:05:26:06. Senate subway connecting Capitol Building to Senate Building.

01:05:49:02. Congressional Staff members at work.

01:06:08:11. School children look into FBI Crime Lab.

01:06:35:03. Paintings by the great masters at the National Gallery of Arts.

01:06:48;11. Copy of Gutenberg bible on display at the Library of Congress.

01:07:18:07. Bust of Shakespeare at the Folger Library.

01:07:42:00. Scenes inside Bureau of Engraving & Printing, The U.S. Mint.

01:08:18:02. U.S. Naval Observatory, US Naval Observatory Master Clock.

01:08:53:00. Charles Lindbergh plane and Alan Shepard's space capsule at the Smithsonian Institution

01:09:31:00. The Islamic Center and Islamic Mosque.

01:09:49:09. Stained glass windows in the Washington Cathedral. windows

01:10:10:10. Franciscan Monastery and Garden.

01:10:32:03. Washington Embassy Row in the 1960's

01:10:54:02. Front entrance to Russian Embassy.

01:11:18:08. Driving view of Arlington National Cemetery.

01:11:48:09. Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.

01:12:39:11. Aerial view of the White House.