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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Public Domain Stock Footage Weather Disaster New England Flood
NTSC Quicktime format: (24 hr. turn-around)
PAL Quicktime format: (24 hr. turn-around)
Timecode Preview: 24-hr. turnaround
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Synopsis: In August 1955 an unprecedented amount of rainfall from hurricanes Connie and Diane resulted in the most costly flash flood in American history. The aftermath of this flooding was massive damage to the cities and towns near streams and rivers in southern New England... (read more)
Information: 1955 BW 27 min
Show All Historical Tragedies And Disaster Titles Weather Disaster - New England Flood

Scenes of an industrial waterwheel and factories built along rivers in the northeastern area of the United States. 1950’s street scenes New England town stores, people, and automobiles. Raging water destroying everything in its path. Flooded homes and cities. Aerial view of the destruction. Shows site of Camp Davis near Strasburg Pennsylvania where 37 persons were swept to their death. The Army Corp of Engineers mobilized to install bailey bridges and repair and  rebuild of the damaged and destroyed bridges. Red Cross workers provided food and medical services. Shows doctors inoculating the young and old. President Eisenhower surveys the devastation by plane. Clean-up efforts of stores and homes. Flashback scenes of the 1938 flood of Hartford Connecticut and the undamaged streets in Hartford in 1955 after flood protection construction such as the Knightville Dam and the Mansfield Hollow Dam were completed. Shows other flood control projects along the Mississippi River.