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Royalty Free Stock Footage Oil And Gas Prices Addressed By The Democrats
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Synopsis: Senator Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, and Democratic Senators Byron Dorgan, Maria Cantwell, and Bernie Sanders held a press conference concerning the high price of oil and gasoline...
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Information: May 7, 2008 COL 06:14 min
Show All In The News Titles Oil And Gas Prices - Addressed By The Democrats
Senator Byron Dorgan makes statement on speculators in the marketplace. We believe the margin requirements are too low and should be increased to ring the speculation out of the system.

Senator Maria Cantwell: Democrats wants to police the oil market and the Democrats has given the FTC new authority to investigate gasoline prices.

Senator Sanders: The price of oil and gas must go down. It is time Congress responds to the American people.
Senator Reid: Answers questions on windfall profit tax on oil companies, on price gouging, and setting the margin on speculators. States there will be no drilling in ANWAR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) and the Republicans should give it up.

Blames the Republicans stating they have stopped the Democrats from doing anything with flood insurance, collective bargaining for public employees, farm bill, energy package etc.

States the package the Democrats have now will lower the price of oil short term and long term and take a whack at the oil companies in the process.