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Royalty Free Stock Footage Hillary Clinton Primary Victory Speech Louisville KY
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Synopsis: Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wins the Kentucky Primary, gives victory speech in Louisville, KY... (read more)
Information: May 20, 2008 COL 23:46 min
Show All Hillary Clinton Titles Hillary Clinton - Primary Victory Speech Louisville, KY
Bullet Points From victory Speech:

Terry McAuliffe introduces Hillary. Bill and Chelsea briefly onstage.

Tribute to Senator Ted Kennedy.

I'm told that more people have voted for me than for anyone who has ever run for the Democratic nomination.
I want you to remember, we are in this race because we believe that every single American deserves quality, affordable health care, no exceptions.

We are in this race because we believe everyone deserves a shot at the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard at a good job to get ahead, to save for college, for a home, for retirement. To fill the gas tank and buy the groceries with a little left at the end of each month; to build a better life for you and your children.

To turn the climate crisis into an energy revolution and create million of new jobs;

We are in this race because we believe it will take a Commander-in-Chief with the strength and knowledge to end the war in Iraq safely and quickly.

This state delivered two terms to a president named Clinton. And it's often been said, as Kentucky goes, so goes the nation.

Who is ready on Day One to lead?

89-year-old Emma Hollis, an African-American woman, she has seen so many barriers crumble and fall in her lifetime.

Andrea Steagall, a strong and composed young woman, 20 years old, who drove across Kentucky to meet me.
Dalton Hatfield, the 11-year-old from Kentucky, who sold his bike and his video games to raise money to support my campaign.

We won't just unite our party; we will unite our country and make sure America's best years are still ahead of us.