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Royalty Free Stock Footage John McCain Announces Choice For VP
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Synopsis: Republican Presidential nominee John McCain announces his choice for V.P. - Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin... (read more)
Information: August 29, 2008 COL 28:06 min
Show All John McCain Titles John McCain - Announces Choice For V.P.

The Republican Presidential candidate Senator John McCain announced his choice as his running mate at a rally in Dayton, Ohio on August 29, 2008. His selection for Vice President was Sarah Louise Health Palin, Governor of Alaska.

His V.P. pick was a surprise even for a maverick like McCain. In his remarks John McCain said “ I have found the right partner to help me stand up to those that value their privileges over their responsibility, who puts power over principle, and puts their interest before your needs”.

In her remarks Sarah Palin talked about her husband, her son that is being deployed to Iraq, her other children, fiscal responsibility, energy, John McCain, and the women that came before her, and called on all Americans to join with her and McCain for real change in Washington.