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Royalty Free Stock Footage John McCain
NTSC Quicktime format: (24 hr. turn-around)
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Timecode Preview: 24-hr. turnaround
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Synopsis: With Pastor Rick Warren moderating, Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama, in a less formal setting, answer questions pertaining to character, ethics and core values... (read more)
Information: August 17, 2008 COL 40 min
Show All Campaign 2008 Titles John McCain - Barack Obama: Saddleback Church Debate

Sample of questions asked of Senator Barack Obama:

1. What would be the greatest moral failure in your life?

2. Give me an example when you went against party interest or maybe your own best interest for the good of America?

3. Let me ask it this way. Many times a Candidate is accused of flip-flopping, but actually sometimes flip flopping is smart because you have decided on a better position.

4. What is the most gut-wrenching decision you have had to make what process did you use to come to that decision?

5. Why do you want to be President?

6. Which Supreme Court Justice would you have not nominated?

7. Define rich.

8. What would you say to people that oppose me asking you these questions?

9. What would you tell the American public if you knew there would be no repercussions?

Sample of questions asked of Senator John McCain:

1. Who are the three wisest men you know and would rely on in your administration?

2. What has been your greatest moral failure and the greatest moral failure of America?

3. Give me an example where you led against your party's interest and maybe against your own best interest?

4. What significant position did you hold 10-years ago, but do not hold today?

5. What is the most gut-wrenching decision you have had to make?

6. What is worth dying for and what is worth committing American lives for?

7. What would your administration d to address countries that do not allow religious freedom?

8. What would you do to address the growing world problem of orphans?

9. Why do you want to be President?