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Public Domain Stock Footage Pres Barack Obama Signs Stimulus Bill
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Synopsis: President Barack Obama signed into law the $787-billion Stimulus Bill that was passed by Congress in an effort to lift America's economy out of recession. This stimulus package is the foundation of the Obama administration's economic recovery plan. This bill promotes a push for "green jobs" in the energy field and funds for infrastructure, schools, education, tax cuts, and projects considered "pork spending" by many. President Obama promised the American people they will be able to track where the stimulus money is spent by logging onto

Before signing the legislation Obama said "I don't want to pretend that today marks the end of our economic troubles, Nor does it constitute all of what we're going to have to do to turn our economy around. But today does mark the beginning of the end." He also said the stimulus package won't constitute all of what will need to be done to turn the economy around and will help homeowners stave off home foreclosures.
Information: February 17, 2009 COL 18 min
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