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Public Domain Stock Footage President Barack Obama Afghanistan Pakistan
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Synopsis: Following a meeting on May 6, 2009 with President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and President Asif Ali Zadari of Pakistan President Obama made the following remarks... (read more)
Information: May 6, 2009 COL 5 min
Show All Pres Barack Obama Titles Pres. Obama - Leaders Of Afghanistan And Pakistan

We just finished an important trilateral meeting among the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan and earlier today I was pleased to have wide ranging bilateral discussions with both President Karzai of Afghanistan and President Zardari of Pakistan.

We meet today as three sovereign nations joined by a common goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their ability to operate in either country in the future. And to achieve that goal, we must deny them the space to threaten the Pakistani, Afghan, or American people. And we must also advance security and opportunity, so that Pakistanis and Afghans can pursue the promise of a better life.

I announced a new strategy to achieve these objectives after consultation with Pakistan, Afghanistan and our other friends and allies.  Our strategy reflects a fundamental truth:  The security of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States are linked.  In the weeks that have followed, that truth has only been reinforced.  Al Qaeda and its allies have taken more lives in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and have continued to challenge the democratically-elected governments of the two Presidents standing here today.  Meanwhile, al Qaeda plots against the American people -- and people around the world -- from their safe haven along the border.

Within Afghanistan, we must help grow the economy, while developing alternatives to the drug trade by tapping the resilience and the ingenuity of the Afghan people. We must support free and open national elections later this fall.

And within Pakistan, we must provide lasting support to democratic institutions, while helping the government confront the insurgents who are the single greatest threat to the Pakistani state. And we must do more than stand against those who would destroy Pakistan –- we must stand with those who want to build Pakistan.

But to combat an enemy that is on the offensive, we need more troops, training, and assistance. And that's why we are deploying 21,000 troops to Afghanistan.

The United States has a stake in the future of these two countries. We have learned, time and again, that our security is shared. It is a lesson that we learned most painfully on 9/11, and it is a lesson that we will not forget.