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Public Domain Stock Footage Nanking 1937 Japanese Occupation
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Synopsis: Japanese forces march into the city of Nanking China and in the weeks to come murder 300,000 civilians and captured soldiers... (read more)
Information: 1937 35:34 min BW (SILENT - TITLE CARDS)
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles Nanking: 1937 - Japanese Occupation
In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China's capital city of Nanjing (English spelling Nanking) and proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and Chinese soldiers in the city. The six weeks of carnage would become known as the Rape of Nanking (Nanjing) or the The Nanjing (Nanking) Massacre.

Title cards describe scenes. Scenes of civilian victims, men, women and children, of military brutality, with title cards describing their wounds. Japanese troops on horseback, Japanese soldiers marching into city, Japanese military patrolling city, view of city showing destroyed and damaged buildings, Japanese tanks entering city in snowstorm.

Scenes Include: war crimes, atrocities, Chinese refugees fleeing city, International Relief Committee, women refugees, dead and wounded in street, Japanese attack on China, Japanese military. Japan-China war, civilian victims of war, Chinese families.