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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Public Domain Stock Footage Mighty Locomotives Steam And Diesel Trains
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Synopsis: Steam locomotives and then diesel locomotives are the almost forgotten heroes of commerce and transportation... (read more)
Information: 07:46 min BW (SILENT)
Show All Early Transportation Titles Mighty Locomotives - Steam And Diesel Trains
Scenes include:

Top of cliff to railroad track as steam locomotive pulling passenger cars speeds along track toward camera. Shot from one of lead cars of train under way looking back showing railroad coaches as train turns curve. River to right and bridge in portion of footage. Shot from rear coach of railroad train under way. The engine and other cars are seen when train turns curve.. Various railroad tracks and train.

Scenes from moving train passing station, fields, etc. Close up shot of steam locomotive wheels as it starts to move. Camera follows wheels passing by. Head-on shot of steam locomotive pulling passenger cars moving toward camera. Hudson River to left. Shot from top of cliff looking down railroad track as train moves into scene and speeds away from camera. River to left.

Steam locomotive pulling passenger cars coming toward camera and turning curve. Camera follows train moving away. Steam locomotive pulling passenger cars turns curve and rushes past camera. Locomotive pulling three passenger coaches coming into scene and moving away from camera.

Coaches drawn by Diesel locomotive moving away from camera around curve. Diesel locomotive pulling cars, coming around curve and towards camera