In "Flaming Death," the sixth chapter of the Flash Gordon series, Emperor Ming the Merciless prepares a devastating attack against Prince Barin’s kingdom, unleashing a fiery projectile designed to annihilate his foes. Amidst this dire threat, the brilliant Dr. Alexis Zarkov develops a Thermal Control device, their only hope to counter Ming's deadly scheme. As the first fiery missile descends, Flash Gordon, donned in a fireproof suit, rushes to the impact zone, risking his life to activate the untested device. Just as success seems within reach, a critical malfunction threatens their efforts, and the device begins to fail. With time running out and the device faltering, Flash’s courage and quick thinking are put to the ultimate test. Can he thwart Ming’s sinister plan, or will he fall victim to the flaming death from above? Stay tuned for an explosive continuation!