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Flashback To The Gee Whiz Decades ("a thru z" titles)
Flashback 1920's - 1940's stock footage takes a look back at fashion, lifestyles, events and the Gee Whiz trends in this 30 year span of history. Our Public Domain Stock Footage titles touches on just about everything from this frenetically paced time, from world events to political upheaveals to entertainment.
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles
Challenge of Change (HD) Ref#: BOF-68-183-B-214

Reel 1. Historical film. Traces history of the Labor Department since it's inception in 1913 when it possessed a small staff of 15 in the Women's Bureau, 94 in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a horse and buggy. Portrays economic developments since World War I. President Herbert Hoover takes the oath of office in 1929 and appoints Secretary of Labor James J. Davis to head a committee to develop national and social programs.
00:10:30:07 BW (1920 x 1080)

Copper, The Story Of (HD) Ref#: BOF-20-521-B-654

Color film. Film on the copper industry and it's importance. Shows open pit mining at Morenci, Arizona and underground mining at Bisbee, Arizona. Explains and demonstrates concentration, smelting and electrolytic refining process.
00:33:16:17 COLOR (1920 x 1080)

Dynamite, The Story Of (HD)
Ref#: BOF-93-421-B-280. Reel 1 Ref#: BOF-93-421-B-280

Shows the manufacture of dynamite and its principle ingredient, nitroglycerin. Powdered and gelatin dynamite are mixed and packaged for use.
00:10:38:17 BW (1920 x 1080)

Dynamite is tested in laboratories and packed for shipment. Shows many scenes of dynamite being used in coal mining; iron mining; railroad construction (including the Moffat Tunnel in Colorado); and clearing tree stumps, ice, building, and obstructions in Hell Gate Channel, New York City.
00:10:45:08 BW (1920 x 1080)

General Pershing In Peacetime: 1920 - 1921 (HD) Ref#: BOF-37-642-B-358

General Pershing arrives by auto at the Alamo Plaza in San Antonio, Tex. Mayor Bell speaks. Pershing's motorcade arrives at Fort Sam Houston. The 14th Cavalry is inspected. The General rides a horse at Camp Travis. Pershing reviews troops. He is awarded the Medaille Militaire by Gen. Fayolle at Fort Myer, Va. Sec. of War Baker and Gen. March are present. Troops pass in review. Pershing presents diplomas and reviews troops at Camp Humphries, Va. The general reviews Citizens' Military Training Camp mounted troops near the Washington Monument, Wash., D.C.
00:09:20:12 BW (1920 x 1080)

History Of Aviation(HD) Ref#: BOF38-256-B-678

Coverage of early aviation history starting with Wright brothers' "Kittyhawk" of 1903. Shows also scenes of the Bleriot, Farman and Curtiss early models, and 1929 German aircraft, the DOX. MS of German aircraft DOX taxiing upon water, plane is twelve-propeller driven on six engine nacelles (pull and pusher type props). interior of aircraft showing news cameraman taking pictures of people on maiden flight. The DOX takes off. LS DOX landing. Head on view of Wright aircraft in flight, three balloons in bg used to determine altitude of the aircraft. MS soldiers moving the Wright aircraft out of hangar building. Lt. Lshm sitting at controls, Orville Wright making final preparation prior to take off. MS Orville Wright getting into control section of plane. LS Wright Flyer taking off from Fort Myer. Farman fueling his flying machine. 18) PS of same taking off. 19) PS same in flight. Launching glider from hillside in Germany. Launching of the Wright Brothers aircraft in France showing launching tower, weight dropping, aircraft taking off. Spectators in stands watching the air show. CU headlines of New York paper proclaiming Wrights flight in France. CS placing the wheel beneath the wing and attaching same by means of strap. LS horse and two-wheel cart to which rope is attached pulling the Wright aircraft across the airfield in France. MS two men pulling props through on the Wright aircraft, Wilbur Wright in bg making adjustments upon aircraft motor. MS men checking the launching rail. 29) MS moving the Wright aircraft into position on the launching rail. 30) MS men pulling the weight up into the top of the launching tower. Spectators attending the demonstration, male and female, military and civilian. CS Wilbur Wright and the French journalist getting into the aircraft. LS launching. LS aircraft in flight. CS pressmen standing on the airfield, ducking as aircraft flies overhead. 37) MS head on view, Wright aircraft passing overhead. CS Bleriot sitting at controls of his aircraft, man pulls props through on same. LS RV Bleriot aircraft starting for take off, flies just a few feet off ground. CS of Glenn Curtiss sitting at controls of his first aircraft. Curtiss aircraft starting for take off--view obstructed by men in fg. MS head on view of Lincoln Beachey stunting a Curtiss model aircraft, flying same down low over road--crowd along fence watching same. 44) CU of Lincoln Beachey adjusting crash helmet. AV stuntman standing on wing of aircraft, “Jersey Ringling" written on side of same. Stuntman switching planes in flight, grabbing hold of bar attachment on bottom of wing, hanging from same after switching plane by leg and hand only--releases hand hold and swings by legs. Early model type aircraft showing rotor attachment between each wing. Plane does not successfully take off. CU of Orville Wright standing on boat deck, water in bg. CS of Wilbur Wright and two Frenchmen standing on airfield. Head on view, formation of ten early model twin-engine bombers.
00:12:15:06 BW (1920 x 1080)

Lubricating Oil, The Story Of - 1926 (HD) Ref#: BOF-34-421-B-654

Uses diagrams to show how non-lubricating portions of crude oil are removed by stills, chemicals, water, pressure, and filters. Processing of "bottom stock" heavy oil begins.
00:09:59:19 BW (1920 x 1080)

Oils are tested for their lubricating efficiency. Shows large and small mechanisms requiring specific lubricants
00:10:36:15 BW (1920 x 1080)

Martin B-10 (HD) Ref#: BOF-12-646-B-698

(Note: Boeing B-10 incorrect). The Martin B-10 bomber aircraft was the first all-metal monoplane to go into regular use by the U.S. Army Air Corps entering service in 1934 and revolutionized bomber design with closed cockpits, rotating gun turrets, retractable landing gear, and internal bomb bay. Removing bombs from bomb trailer and putting them on the ground in front of Martin B-10 plane. CU EM unloading bombs from trailer. US EM loading bombs into bomb bay of B-10. INT.S EM fastening bombs into bomb racks in the bomb bay of B-10. DS EM loading bomb into B-10. INT.S B-10 bomb bay showing EM checking the bomb load. INT.S EM closing bomb bay doors of B-10. INT.S Bomb bay of B-10 showing the 300 lb. bombs being released. US Showing bomb bay doors of B-10 closing. MS EM unloading bombs from trailer and placing them in front of B-10. CU EM loading bombs into bomb bay of B-10. CU EM sitting under wing of B-10 watching bomb bay doors of B-10 closing. AS B-10s flying in A. formation. AS Closer view of scene. DS Ground target being bombed by B-10s. DS Bomb craters in ground target, indicating direct hits.
00:09:00:00 BW (1920 x 1080)

Mint, The (HD) Ref #: BOF-51-631-B-685

Shows how money is coined at the Philadelphia Mint. Processes include the making, rolling, and cutting of alloys and the stamping, inspecting, and bagging of finished coins. Shows the preparation of a bust of President Roosevelt for use on coins and includes external views of the mints at Denver and San Francisco. An exhibit of old coins and coin-making machinery is shown. Personage: Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, Director of the Mint, 1933-1953.
00:10:45:12 BW (1920 x 1080)

NYA Builds Nansen Ski Jump (HD) Ref#: BOF-14-273-B-680

A 1939 color film (2-reels) on the construction and use of the world's largest structural steel ski jump built at Berlin, N.H. in 1936 by the City of Berlin and the National Youth Administration (NYA). New Hampshire Nansen Ski Jump. Shows scenery in the White Mountains and detailed shots of the jump. NYA boys clear snow from an airport for parking space. Skiers jump from the structure and race cross country. A "snow queen" is crowned at the Nansen Ski Club. U.S. Olympic skiers exhibit their jumping prowess. Key Words: skis, skiing, ski jumping.
00:16:00:00 COL (1920 x 1080)

Our Children 1919 (HD) Ref #: BOF-01-631-B-679

Depicts the work of the Children's Bureau in publicizing and working toward the establishment of children's welfare departments on the community level. Shows nurses and doctors of the Bureau instructing children in physical hygiene, conducting physical examinations in the local schools, working with local civic groups for the establishment of community children's health programs, and visiting homes in the locality to examine infants and children and to instruct parents in children's hygiene.
00:22:00:00 BW (1920 x 1080)

Power Of A Pot Roast (HD) Ref#: BOF-79-183-B-431

Reel 1. Dramatized instructional film. Surveys the functions of the Unemployment Insurance System in the economy. Dramatizes the impact of temporary unemployment on an individual skilled worker and on the country. Key words: Economic conditions, unemployment insurance.
00:10:15:18 BW (1920 x 1080)

Rain For The Earth - 1936 (HD) Ref#: BOF-84-321-B-450

Footage of the historic drought of the 1930's and the emergency relief activities in drought areas of the west and southwest. Shows dust bowl scenes: parched soil, dry water holes, deserted farm implements, abandoned farms, water being transported for cattle and sheep, and a dust storm raging. Water is distributed from door to door. Deeper wells are dug. Works Progress Administration (WPA) nurses examine eyes and throats, and give typhoid serum. Fire lanes are cut across the prairie. Dams are constructed of earth and rock. Shows the Fort Peck Dam in Montana under construction, and ponds and lakes built by WPA labor. Key words: droughts, dust storm, soil conservation, water-supply, dams.
00:18:18:13 BW (1920 x 1080)

We Work Again - 1937 (HD) Ref#: BOF-22-321-B-331

Reel 1. On the employment of Black African Americans in Works Progress Administration (WPA) projects. Contrasts scenes of Blacks waiting in breadlines with those employed in Federal work programs such as public building construction, nursery schools and land record indexing. Shows household and health care training programs and general adult education classes.
00:08:04:06 BW (1920 x 1080)

Reel 2. On the employment of Black African Americans in Works Progress Administration (WPA) projects. Shows programs available for Black African Americans artists, musicians, writers and actors. William Lawrence directs an art song group, Juanita Hall leads a spiritual choir and the Black Theater Unit of the Federal Theater Project presents a scene from Macbeth.
00:07:42:18 BW (1920 x 1080)

Work Pays America - 1937 (HD) Ref#: BOF-02-321-B-345

Reel 1. On Works Progress Administration (WPA) public works. Highways and streets are graded and paved. A concrete bed is laid for an Atlantic City reservoir. Shows airports at Newark, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and Philadelphia under construction. Buildings are razed in slum clearance projects. A sewerage project is completed.
00:08:01:20 BW (1920 x 1080)

Reel 2. On Works Progress Administration (WPA) public works. Traffic control studies are made. Auto drivers are given fitness tests. Trachoma patients (bacterial eye infections) in rural areas are examined by traveling nurses and taken to WPA clinics. Shows supervised play and child care at WPA nursery schools, and adult education classes.
00:10:07:12 BW (1920 x 1080)

Reels 3 & 4. On Works Progress Administration (WPA) public works. Murals are painted at the West Point Military Academy. WPA units present stage shows. WPA units carry out relief projects in flooded areas and in dust-bowl, drought areas. Director Harry Hopkins inspects flooded areas in 1936. Food and medical supplies are delivered to dust storm victims. Dams are constructed to check erosion.
00:12:38:07 BW (1920 x 1080)

On Works Progress Administration (WPA) public works. Shows park and playground areas that have been improved by WPA projects. Includes shots of Fort Niagara, restored colonial forts, and Abraham Lincoln landmarks in Springfield, Illinois.
00:05:30:20 BW (1920 x 1080)
These HD Titles Are Available By Special Order 800-921-2804 (72 hr. turn-around)