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Newsreels: 1929 Events At Home And Abroad
Newsreels 1929 stock footage documents world events, politics and war as well as sports, fashion and entertainment for the year of 1929. Our Public Domain Stock Footage newsreels cover every major world event, the not so major events, strides in technology, the lives of public figures, fads and trends. Newsreels 1929 is an incredibly rich resource of visual history that tells the story of the year 1929.
Show All Newsreels 1930's Titles
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Newsreel Titles Listed By Year Available For Order Over The Phone: 800 - 921 - 2804

Fort Snelling, MN – Sham battle thrills. C.M.T.C. Military Tournament gives spectators an exciting treat.

Bridgeville, PA – Lizzies of long ago make last bow in public. "Ash Can Handicap" brings out prize assortment of ancient rattlers.

Washington, DC – Claudius H. Huston is elected GOP Chairman.
President Hoover congratulates his friend as leader of the Republican National Committee.

Westbury, NY – Hitchcock scores seven goals in Meadowbrook polo.
International star leads his Sands Point team to 14-10 victory over Greentree four.

New York City, NY – Who's who in the news of today:
Dr. Eckener sails for home—Zeppelin commander says "auf wiederschen" to U.S.

San Francisco, CA – Col. Roosevelt back.
Returns from scientific expedition to Indo-China and Tibet.

San Antonio, TX – Immortalizes Wilson.
Gutzon Borglum, noted sculptor, moulds memorial of late President.

West Point, NY – Observe Marne Day.
French Ambassador Paul Claudel reviews cadets on anniversary of battle and Lafayette's birthday.

Southport, England – Blast new river bed to save British homes.
$1,000,000 project is started to divert waters of Alt that menace Lancashire towns.

Philadelphia, PA – Giant plane from Germany is tried out here.
Huge thirty passenger amphibian is given first test in Navy Yard basin.

Roosevelt Field, NY – Will fly ocean—maybe.
Queerest plane ever seen is groomed for non-stop flight to Bucharest, Rumania.

New York City, NY – 1,250,000 return to "readin', 'ritin', 'rithmetic."
Public schools are stormed by record crowd of children as vacation days end.

Newport News, VA – Texas officials at launching of cruiser.
Distinguished group sees USS Houston take her first dip.

Washington, DC – Hoover greets the visitors.
Delegates meet the President on the White House lawn.

White Plains, NY – Craig Wood leads "pro" golf qualifiers.
Forest Hills star heads eastern delegation to National Championships in California.

Geneva, Switzerland – League of Nations opens its 10th session.
Representatives from 53 countries attend—United States absent.

West Point, NY – Army pigskin tossers start grid practice.
Coach "Biff" Jones and Cagle, last year's star, put cadet football team through training stunts.

Mescoe, Hungary – Oddities in the news of today:
It's harvest time in Hungary—peasants hold annual festival.

Yosemite, CA – Tame shyest of animals.
Children train forest deer to be garden pets.

Pasadena, CA – The "good old days."
Society holds a fashion show as it might have looked in grandpop's time.

Union City, NJ – A 2-horse power pull.
William Schaeffer, of Schaeffer Twins, keeps a firm footing at all times.

Portland, ME – Shattered ranks of GAR pass in review.
Faltering remnant of "Boys in Blue" bravely marches in 63rd National Encampment.

Yosemite Valley, CA – Indians, in pageant, revive old western days.
Annual carnival brings thousands to fete held amid gorgeous settings.

Long Beach, CA – Southern California's best babies on parade.
Seventh annual pageant brings out record list of tiny competitors.

Denver, CO – Michigan's Governor heads Spanish War Veterans.
Fred W. Green is elected Commander-in-Chief at annual encampment.

New York City, NY – Tilden sails.
"Big Bill," fresh from Forest Hills triumph, goes abroad to be a play actor.

New York City, NY – Jewry leader here.
Rabbi Schnayerson, head of orthodox church, comes to U.S. from Latvia.

Friedrichshafen, Germany – Oddities in today's news:
A new home for the Graf Zeppelin—150 feet high and 900 feet long.

Rhineland--Britain's occupation troops leave the Rhine and return to England.

Washington, DC--Who's Who in the News of Today:
Senate starts probe of Geneva Naval Conference "observer", Shearer inquiry. Appears with his counsel, Ex-Judge Daniel F. Cohalan.

Newagen, Maine--Lt. Commander MacMillan and associates end two year exploration trip in Arctic.

St. Paul, Minnesota--Jimmy Johnston, new amateur golf champion, gets welcome in hometown as Governor Christianson presents him to admiring crowd.

New York City--Dr. Gustav Boess, mayor of Berlin, arrives to repay visit of Mayor Walker to German capital.

Long Beach, California--Style show portrays male dress of future.
Evolution of men's attire and what they soon may wear is shown in unique exhibition.

Travers Island, New York--Oddities in Today's News:
Pat McDonald, famous shot putter, springs a new stunt at New York Athletic Club meet.

Albion, New York--World's biggest pie, four ton pastry, is feature of annual convention of bakers.

Los Banos, California--Great crowds of turkeys.

Mexico City--President Portes Gil of Mexico marks Independence Day with honor to hero dead and military parade. Cadets of Mexico's West Point lead the parade as President Gil appears with army and navy officers, Ministers, and Cabinet officers.

Plainville, Connecticut – John Coolidge and Florence Trumbull wed.
Simple ceremony marks marriage of ex-President's son and daughter of Connecticut's Governor.

Plymouth, Vermont – On their honeymoon.
Coolidge and his bride go to the old homestead where his father was born.

Westville, Connecticut – The love nest.
First pictures of the $78 a month apartment where the happy couple will live.

Atlantic City, New Jersey – Hold fire-fighting test on famous boardwalk.
Smoke-eaters give dazzling exhibition of high pressure system.

New York City, New York– Who's who in today's news:
Mrs. Hoover leaves White House to open Girl Scout Fund Exhibition.

New York City, New York – Widow fights to hold home of famous poet.
House where Clement Clark Moore wrote "The Night Before Christmas" is center of conflict.

Escanaba, Michigan – Oddities in the news of today:
The sky is the limit for these trapeze artists—daredevils thrill crowds at Fair.

Leipzig, Germany – Jiu jitsu stars train.
German athletes practice Japanese self-defense for coming championships.

San Jose, California – Cowboys tackle four-legged "earthquakes."
Dynamic broncos give riders a tough time at annual rodeo.

Louisville, Kentucky--200,000 line streets to see 50,000 Legionnaires march at National Convention parade.
Stockholm, Sweden--Girl athletes in daring acrobatic feats.

Rye, New York--Society, in rain, sees thrilling steeplechase.
Newsreel Titles Listed By Year Available For Order Over The Phone: 800 - 921 - 2804
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