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Classic Cuts: Dance, Dance, Dance
Single Clips for download are available in broadcast NTSC and PAL formats making them perfect for either Broadcast productions, Multi-Media projects or Web development.
NTSC Broadcast: 720 x 480 Quicktime - online download (24hr. turn-around).

PAL Broadcast: 720 x 546 Quicktime - online download (24hr. turn-around).

Online Download: -Your Classic Cut clip along with a log-in and password will be available to you within 24 hours of your order - Monday through Friday.
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"Shakin; A Little This And A Little Of That" clip
woman in flowing skirt dances to the left then to the right (0:16)
PAL $99.00
"Done Shakin' That, Lets Swing A Chair" clip
woman holds chair up, with her teeth, swings it around (0:18)
PAL $99.00
"Banjo Player With The Tip Tappity Feet" clip
banjo player does a little dance while playing (0:16)
PAL $99.00
"Spin Tap Spin Tap" clip
pretty girl in tutu tap dances with a few tap spins thrown in (0:11)
PAL $99.00
"We're Not Square We're Dancin' " clip
squaredancing at a small town carnival with lots of clapping (0:10)
PAL $99.00
"A Winged Fan Dance Of Delight" clip
woman uses flowing cape to create a winged dance (0:25)
PAL $99.00
"Even Men Dance When Drunk" clip
miners gather for an all male night of drinkin' and a dancin' (0:40)
PAL $99.00
"I'll Start, Just Follow My Lead" clip
african americans, dressed as high society do a dance (0:26)
PAL $99.00
"A Little Brass For The Club" clip
brass band plays up a storm at a small nightclub (0:17)
PAL $99.00
"The Un-Synchronized Ballet" clip
women attempt ballet-like uncoordinated movements (0:14)
PAL $99.00
"At A High School Dance" clip
well dressed youngsters dancing in an approved manner (0:08)
PAL $99.00
"Have To Dance Good To Wear That Outfit" clip
group claps as man does a soft shoe dance (0:36)
PAL $99.00
"The Cougar Dances Alone" clip
woman dances alone in a crowd at a house party (0:06)
PAL $99.00
"Interpretive Dance Of French Revolution" clip
dancer in french officers cap dances in front of backdrop (0:36)
PAL $99.00
"Just A Hunch But Is That Dancing" clip
the hunchback of notre dame busts out some unique moves (0:06)
PAL $99.00
"Old Folks Let Loose And Wow The Kids" clip
couple come out and do a dancing jig of something (0:29)
PAL $99.00
"Singing And Swaying In Time" clip
three girls and a cowboy gent sing in perfect harmony (0:22)
PAL $99.00
"Going For The Cartwheel World Record" clip
martial artist does a circle of cartwheels (0:18)
PAL $99.00
"Hate The Blackface But Good Dancing" clip
blackface entertainer shows off his move on stage (0:54)
PAL $99.00
"Laying Out A Line Of Dancers" clip
line dancers come out on stage and perform their stuff (0:13)
PAL $99.00
"Traditional Waving Paper Around Dance" clip
japanese women perform dance with flowing paper strips (0:23)
PAL $99.00