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Synopsis: Explanation to troops and public why it is so important to have combat troops in India and Burma as well as the Burma Road... (read more)
Information: 1944 33:09 min BW
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles Why We're Here
Scenes Include:
General Sultan explains why U.S. troops are needed in India and Burma. Describes the Japanese seizure of the Chinese coast, the necessity for the Burma Road, and Chinese arms shortages. Japanese artillery is fired and tanks advance. Barefoot Chinese troops advance. Describes personnel resources in China.

Chinese troops are flown by Air Transport Command planes from Kunming to India for training. Troops and supplies are loaded at Kunming. Planes of the 14th Air Force bomb Japanese positions in Burma. Chinese, British, and U.S. troops advance in North Burma to clear the Ledo Road. Mules and infantry move through jungle terrain; a large Japanese force is attacked. Supplies are dropped by parachute. Wounded undergo operations in the field and are evacuated by air. Japanese units counterattack near Imphal in Assam. British artillery and machine gun fire halts the advance.

Chinese advance into Burma by crossing flooded roads; shows street fighting in a rubbled town. Planes and artillery bombard Bhamo; infantry storms the city. The proposed Ledo Road is surveyed, jungle growth is cut, bulldozers clear debris, and General Pick rides in the first truck convoy over the road.

Crowds cheer as the convoy reaches Kunming. Sections of oil pipe are unloaded at Calcutta. Jungle foliage is cleared from the pipeline route into China. Pres. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet (short shot).