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Public Domain Stock Footage World War I Balloons Aircraft Submarines
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Synopsis: Machines of war, observation balloons, fighter aircraft, and U-Boat submarines bring about a new lethality to the WWI battlefield... (read more)
Information: 09:19 min BW
Show All World War I Titles World War I - Balloons, Aircraft, Submarines
Observation balloons (sausages), being of great value to observe artillery placement and troop movement, were prime targets for airplanes. These pilots were called balloon busters. Scenes of observation balloons under attack, being destroyed, and falling to earth in flames. Scene of a giant German Zeppelin sent to bomb London. The Zeppelin was destroyed over the North Sea.

Germany’s policy of unrestricted U-boat warfare to cut-off all supplies to England brought America into the war. Many scenes of Nazi u-boats sinking all types of ships. The British used Q-ships to draw the German submarines within range of hidden deck guns. Scenes of captured German submarine and crew.

Newspaper headlines announcing break with Germany. Excellent Scene of President Wilson with telephone of that era. America enters the war and joins the Allies.

Scenes Include: WWI anti-aircraft guns, WWI airplanes, sinking ships, interior of German submarine.