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Public Domain Stock Footage Hawaii December 7 1941
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Synopsis: This John Ford production depicts life in Hawaii before World War II, during the attack on Pearl Harbor and the changes the war brought afterwards... (read more)
Information: 1941 81:42 min BW
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles Hawaii - December 7, 1941

Explains the business structure of the island. Shows sugar cane and pineapple cultivation. Scenes of Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii in 1941. Japanese working in the sugar cane fields, operating businesses, and attending their national schools and churches. A Shinto priest explains that Hirohito is God. Japanese observers relay intelligence to their consul in Honolulu who maintains contact with Tokyo and Berlin. Shows Japanese sending information to Japan by short wave radio and diplomatic pouch. Includes shots of Hawaiian scenery, hula dancing, and surfboard riding,

The attack on island installations commences. The battleships Oklahoma, California, Pennsylvania, and Nevada are bombed. The attack abates, the wounded are carried to ambulances, and funeral services are held at various sites. The California, Nevada, and West Virginia are salvaged. The Oahu civil defense committee sets up barbed wire, sandbags, tunnels, and air raid shelters. Children are issued gas masks. Disloyal Japanese are taken into custody and a blackout engulfs the islands.

Keywords/Scenes: Waikiki Beach, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Diamond Head, Pearl Harbor, Military Chaplain church services,