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Public Domain Stock Footage Hitler's Secret Weapons
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Synopsis: The development of deadly and historical German WWII weapons. One of these weapons was the Fieseler Fi 103 better known as the V1 or V-1. The 'V' stood for Vergeltungswaffe which meant "vengeance weapon." The VI was better known to the people of London England as buzz bombs or doodlebugs or flying bombs... (read more)
Information: 17:04 min BW (SILENT)
Show All WWII European Theater Titles Hitler's Secret Weapons
Reel 1: Unidentified terrain somewhere in Germany. The A-5 prototype of the V-2 surface-to-surface bomb. German scientist checking tail section of A-5 bomb. V-2 rocket being fired. V-2 rocket in flight. Camera pans from R to L showing control cables on ground from V-2 rocket to control tower. German officers inspect V-2 rocket before it is fired. V-2 rocket fails to leave launcher, falls to ground and explodes. German E M extinguishing V-2 rocket fire. V-2 rocket takes off, goes a few hundred feet in the air and crashes. Shows large hole in the ground where rocket crashed. German officers and E M inspect area where V-2 rocket crashed. Close up of HE-111 which was damaged when rocket crashed. Shows remainder of jet engine of V-2 rocket which crashed. V-2 rockets taking off.

Reel 2: Animated drawing of German A-4B rocket. A-4B rocket makes bad takeoff and crashes. Animated drawing of German V-l buzz bomb. German civilians pull V-l rocket across ramp. V-1 rocket lying on ramp. Early model jet parked on catapult. German mechanics working on GO-145 aircraft. German mechanics adjust experimental jet under fuselage of GO-145 airplane. GO-l45 in flight. HE-111 releases buzz bomb from under its fuselage while in flight. Buzz bomb V-l in flight. ME-110 in flight. View of catapult which is used to launch buzz bombs. Camera pans from R to L showing buzz bomb making takeoff. Buzz bomb makes bad takeoff and crashes. German anti aircraft guns fire at buzz bomb V-l. Buzz bomb is shot down by anti aircraft fire. Barrage balloons in sky over Germany. German fighter plane shoots down buzz bomb.